Optimize Voice Search For SEO

Updates of Google, Search marketing and the process of searching on mobile is totally changed. In the search engine optimization world, voice search is the new and the biggest feature for users. SEO for a voice search is totally new and it is a skill that SEO experts need to apply and fast!!!
Optimizing for voice search is different from traditional SEO technique. And these queries could help in provide a better user experience for those who searching by voice. Now voice search is becoming more and more popular. There are some top devices that use the voice search:
·         Google Home
·         Google Assistant
·         Android mobile phones
·         Tablets
·         Microsoft Cortana
·         Amazon Echo/Alexa
For voice search, there is some reason that you follow:
1.      Answer “User” Questions: If you want to be the resource that answers things that are even tangentially related to your product. Now you want to make sure you don’t interfere with your product or service pages, however you want to create content that interests users and makes you the go to users for search engines like Google.
2.      Use Long Tail Keyword: Voice search is centered around many natural languages. The question or queries that are posted or search on search engine like: Google, Yahoo, Bing is getting longer. Any good marketing/ digital agency will work on the importance of the optimizing the website through the insertion of long tail keyword.
3.      Use Micro data to Optimizing Local SEO:  Voice based search queries are very popular for business that are based on local search queries. Large number of voice searches is around navigational queries such as local / nearby businesses.
4.      Local Searches: Voice search is categorized on mobile device and focus on local searches. Nowadays, directions are the most popular queries in voice search. Because large number of queries search in local area
5.      Focus on Mobile: Most of the people using voice search almost on mobile. If a visitor click on your website in search result and find that it is not good optimized for our mobile phones, they will back to the result. If you are focus on voice search optimization, then mobile user experience should be on priority. You can use the Mobile Friendly Test to see if your site makes the cut.
6.      Make it Readable:  People who use the mobile device for search queries on search engine are less inclined to read large article/blog on small screen. Create simple paragraph and headlines for description.
7.      Monitor the Performance of Website:  Watch the analytical to check the performance of website for mobile or desktop website traffic. Google analytical gives gives information for mobile/desktop to helps in monitor the efforts.
8.      Familiar with schema.org markup codes:  If you want to help the search engine to understand the content on your website, and then use the schema.org markup codes, also called “rich snippets”.  Search engine understand all these code languages , this increases the chance to better rank.


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